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Victory Parade

A Short Story

RED, WHITE, AND BLUE CONFETTI was Falling, Falling everywhere, thrown from the windows of Tall and Taller buildings by Joyful people on the heads of the Joyful Sea of people below. On Broadway, a young Sailor recently returned from the Sea, and Milling among the Milling crowd, caught sight of a Pretty Girl. Catching her in his arms, the Sailor SPONTANEOUSLY gave the girl a kiss.

An unknown Famous photographer, who happened to be Milling among the Milling crowd looking for Photo opportunities, took a Photo that Happened to capture the fancy of America, thus becoming part of the history of photography. It Happened at a Victory Parade.

The War that had been Raging Over the Nazi Rage in Europe was Over. Some of our Fathers and Sons who had not been killed in the War would be coming Home. Some would Not be coming Home.

Ever and Anon’ there would be other VICTORY PARADES, albeit not for the Conflict in Korea, which was not a War at all but merely a Police Action. Alas a number of Policemen on both sides would be Killed before the Killing stopped, and the Koreans herded into two Precincts.

For the next Hot War, a VICTORY PARADE was held, despite the fact that the Outcome was far from VICTORIOUS.

On Broadway, a young Sailor recently returned from the sea, and Milling among the Milling crowd, caught sight of a Pretty Girl. Catching her in his arms, the Sailor SPONTANEOUSLY gave the girl a kiss.

Love Beads dangling, the Girl dangled the Sailor back to her padded Pad, where the two of them passed the time making love and passing a Joint.

The War that had gone on for Many years and Many Presidents was finally Over. In the middle of their sex the Girl closed her eyes and dreamed of her Exiled Boyfriend who would soon be Returning, Returning from his exile in Canada.

Anon, there were two short Wars, too small for VICTORY PARADES.

On Broadway, a young Sailor recently returned from the sea, and Milling among the Milling crowd, caught sight of a Pretty Girl. Catching her in his arms, the Sailor SPONTANEOUSLY gave the girl a kiss.

The Woman (don’t call me a girl!) SCREAMED and pushed the Sailor away. SCREAMING down the street, her SCREAMS attracted a Policeman, who caught the Sailor in his arms, and arrested him. The Intrepid Seaman from the Intrepid was charged with Malicious Assault and Attempted Rape.

The First War in the alien Persian Gulf was over. Our Heroic Heroes were returning home to FADED YELLOW RIBBONS recycled from the Iran Crisis still tied to trees, higher gas prices, CRYING wives, CRYING as their husbands coughed, and spit up Yellow Phlegm.

On Broadway, a young Sailor recently returned from the sea, and Milling among the Milling crowd, caught sight of a Pretty Girl. Catching her in his arms, the Sailor SPONTANEOUSLY gave the girl a kiss.

The “Girl” sucked the Sailor’s TONGUE into her mouth, pushing her body up against his. The Sailor felt the Girl’s penis go hard against his own and pushed Him/Her away. The Sailor, with his Marine buddies Following, Followed the “girl” to the park, where they Dragged “the FUCKING DRAG QUEEN” into the Fucking bushes, where they Fucking stomped Him/Her to a Fucking bloody Fucking pulp.

The troops were Celebrating no Celebration. No War as Over anywhere because our President had announced THE WAR WOULD GO ON FOREVER. There would be Killing and Training to Kill in Aceh, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bali, Bosnia, Chechnya, Colombia, East Timor, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Israel, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Macedonia, Mexico, Northern Ireland, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Turkey, the Philippines, Tajikistan, Tibet, Ulster, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zimbabwe. . . .

A 737 inbound to LaGuardia passes low over Central Park – lower now that the Twin Towers are gone – casting its Shadow across a parched Sheep Meadow. Lying in the Hot Sun, hidden from the passing Passersby by a clump of bushes, UNABLE to move or cry out, BLOOD pouring from his nose and ears, attracting a Circle of Circling flies, the Dying Drag Queen Dreams of his MOTHER; how she held her Little Man close to her while she read him the telegram Telling them that the Father he was too young to Know had been KILLED IN THE WAR.

Our Leading Leaders tell us the War Over in Iraq will soon be Over. We WAIT now, WAITING for our Heroic Heroes to return so the next VICTORY PARADE can begin, that is If We Will Be Allowed To Assemble In The Streets To See It.

Stephen Poleskie


A Poleskie Photograph